
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

Beginner here. A few lessons I learned the hard way.

When making your intial investment, don't invest everything in one lump sum. Feel out the market and invest small amounts over a period of days/weeks. And then DCA after that. Don't chase pumps. Yeah, did this one too. Saw a coin going up a...

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

Top organs to sell for crypto

Want to buy the ETH dip but ran out of fiat? Ever wanted to FOMO into a 100x moonshot rugpull but ran out of money? Here is a list of organs you can trade for real world fiat. Who needs eyeballs anyway? Pair of Eyeballs: $1,525 (that's 0.44 ETH)...

More / Etherum Reddit - 3 years ago

Question about desire to create Dapps

Hello, i’ve posted this question on r/ethtrader and r/ethfinance but I was told that I could get some interesting insights from here. I’ve been investing in eth since 2017 when I first heard of it, after reading a bunch about btc then a bit on eth, I...

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

GOOD NEWS! I’m up $3 in the past 24hrs

Just thought I’d share my achievement. I’m pretty happy. Also, my god I’m glad I didn’t sell. I have a reverse barometer for market action, when I start getting reallly itchy to sell is when things start to turn around. Glad I’ve learned the old red...

More / Etherum Reddit - 3 years ago


im bit new in this, but i Have one question, Its better to stake 7days apy 1,2 in flexible or 4.79 apy in defi. im staking usdt, thank u submitted by /u/ImmediateWinner873 [link] [comments]