News about Mit

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 1 day ago

Was Bitcoin's anonymity really at stake?

(I speak Spanish, the information I am using was obtained in a video in Spanish which I will leave you in this post, and my English could be very bad lol) ​ Recently I was investigating how they found several people responsible for black marke...

More / Etherum Reddit - 4 days ago

Question about revoking permit approval

Hi all, I tried to revoke token approval using cancel signature button in From the published transaction in Etherscan, the spender address is listed as 0x00000000000000000000001. May I know what is address represents? Is it all possible...

More / Etherum Reddit - 1 week ago

Uniswap Withdrawal Limit?

Can someone please explain to me whether it's safe to go through with this transaction or not? Never have I seen this warning when purchasing submitted by /u/iactuallydontknow420 [link] [comments]