News about Portfolio

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 3 years ago

Only July 1st, theoretical inflow potential for crypto assets in the order of EUR 350bln could arrive thanks to a new law in Germany permitting Spezialfonds to invest up to 20 % of their portfolios into crypto assets like Bitcoin When the new Fund Location Act (Fondsstandortgesetz) comes into effect on 1 July 2021, domestic special funds (Spezialfonds) i...

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

My Crypto rules for 2021! My rules might not fit your strategy, some like to go after high risk high rewards projects without any backup plan. Some are exposed to altcoins without any Bitcoin I prefer balanced portfolio

Your investment strategy guides your portfolio. Similar to purchasing something new like a car, you first look and study the different models and makes to identify which one suits your requirements best. Just like a car, the options before you are en...

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

Other numbers besides portfolio value that matter

Cholesterol level Days since you treated someone unkindly Max pushups Air pressure in your tires Miles since last oil change Months of mortgage / rent in reserve Max situps Heart BPM after running a mile BMI Credit Score Number of Skills Mastered Ho...

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 3 years ago

I created an online cryptocurrency portfolio tracker that is free, slick and easy to use. You can seamlessly import transactions from Binance and it will provide you with deeper, insightful investment metrics (such as realized P&L, unrealized P&L, average

Hi everybody! I have been investing regularly in cryptocurrencies since 2017 (the dark times when quite a few exchanges I used kept getting hacked). I have been using Binance but it is so lacking in any meaningful metrics so I always needed an...

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 3 years ago

I created an online cryptocurrency portfolio tracker that is free, slick and easy to use. You can seamlessly import transactions from Binance and it will provide you with deeper, insightful investment metrics (such as realized P&L, unrealized P&L, average

Hi everybody! I have been investing regularly in cryptocurrencies since 2017 (the dark times when quite a few exchanges I used kept getting hacked). I have been using Binance but it is so lacking in any meaningful metrics so I always needed an...

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 3 years ago

I created an online cryptocurrency portfolio tracker that is free, slick and easy to use. You can seamlessly import transactions from Binance and it will provide you with deeper, insightful investment metrics (such as realized P&L, unrealized P&L, average

Hi everybody! I have been investing regularly in cryptocurrencies since 2017 (the dark times when quite a few exchanges I used kept getting hacked). I have been using Binance but it is so lacking in any meaningful metrics so I always needed an...

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 3 years ago

I created an online cryptocurrency portfolio tracker that is free, slick and easy to use. You can seamlessly import transactions from Binance and it will provide you with deeper, insightful investment metrics (such as realized P&L, unrealized P&L, average

Hi everybody! I have been investing regularly in cryptocurrencies since 2017 (the dark times when quite a few exchanges I used kept getting hacked). I have been using Binance but it is so lacking in any meaningful metrics so I always needed an...

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

which crypto is the largest position in your portfolio?

Which one of these bad boys makes up the largest percentage of your crypto portfolio? Specifically long-term investment. Not talking about swing trades etc. Feel free to list alt coins that are not on the poll in the comments. View Poll submit...