News about Spend

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 5 days ago

Want to spend a a little BTC

So pretty new to actively handling Bitcoin…. So I have zero experience with this, so I need to ask, what do you do when you want to cash out a few EUR? Do any one use eg. a Coinbase VISA card? Or just cash out to you own bank? Buy gift cards? Or anot...

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 2 weeks ago

Don’t spend Bitcoin Myth

Thought experiment…I often hear, “who would want to spend their bitcoin if the price is going up!”, but let me explain why I think that does not make logical sense. To be clear, I know there are other hurdles to bitcoin serving as a medium of exchang...

More / Etherum Reddit - 1 month ago

How Much Did You Spend on DeFi Fees Last Summer?

Tired of trying to figure out how much ETH you spent on fees last summer by looking at your MetaMask transaction history or the block explorer? Try our fee tracker! Supported chains: ETH/BNB/Polygon Free service, no registration...

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 1 month ago

How often do you spend your bitcoin?

On necessities of course or financial emergencies. I try not to spend any if I can help it, but I did cash out a small portion to help out with family expenses and gift the gf a new iphone for her birthday. I know this sub constantly preach the nev...