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(update) $1400 in ETH still available if you correctly order my seed words

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SEED WORDS IN RANDOMIZED ORDER: camera rhythm feature layer coconut ready need final north can early story stable report group depend employ problem monitor interest logic sausage toilet pencil

There's been a lot of renewed activity in this sub recently with many new (or newly returned) redditors, so I thought it would be worth giving a little update on this security demonstration/test that I started a little over a month ago.

On March 8 I transferred $1000 worth of ETH (at the time) to a new wallet protected with a 24 word seed phrase. I then randomized the order of the seed words and posted them in this sub, along with the challenge that if you are able to access the wallet you are welcome to the contents. (Here's the original post:

I did this to basically demonstrate the powerful security of 24 word seed phrases, and the incredible number of order combinations (permutations). It was inspired by a previous poster who wanted to commission someone else to engrave their seed words individually and wondering if they could get hacked if the engraver didn't know the order. I suspect that, without a breakthrough in computer processing, for a 24 word seed phrase it is impossible to crack in a human lifetime. In a 24 word seed phrase there are 23 independent words, and the final word is a special checksum word which is partially determined by the previous 23 words. So (even though it's a little more complicated) to simplify the problem let's just consider the 23 independent words. For them there are 23! (23 factorial equal to 23 x 22 x 21 x ... x 1) possible permutations. That's about 2.6e22 possibilities. If you checked a billion possibilities every second, it would take about 820 thousand years to try them all. Incidentally, a 12 word seed phrase doesn't offer such protection. With 11!=4.0e7 independent permutations, a billion guesses per second would run through all possibilities in about 0.04 seconds. (As an illustration of this I also offered a whopping $5 of ALGO in another wallet protected by 12 seed words in random order --- that got cracked about 30 hours after posting.)

Now a little over a month has passed and the only thing that's changed is that the ETH has swelled in value with the recent market movements. Otherwise the ETH remains untouched and available. So if you're feeling lucky (REALLY lucky) feel free to give it a shot! My seed words in randomized order are printed at the top of this post, and the public address for the wallet (so you can confirm its contents and transactions on ETH scan) is 0xb6f420204511C7fE9Dd3DE14266a260e8f11aC37.

submitted by /u/timelesssmidgen
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