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A fake Prince, a fake Coin and fake Developers - Inside Grove Token

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Grove is a shit-token on Safemoon swap - it's the classic "Use Crypto as a springboard for fast and extravagant wealth, then fill in the blanks after and pretend we are legit."

Someone recently told me the use cases of Grove and it ranges from all sorts of bullshit from Hydroponics down to construction, AKA nothing that a blockchain or token would be useful for.

The Fake Prince

It all started when they claimed that Grove was endorsed by Dubai Royalty. The claim went that his Royal Highness Butti Bin Suhail Al-Maktoum is a private investor, with the official advisor Bassam Al Falasi and will bridge the link between Grove & officials in Dubai.

As it turns out in a thrilling two-part article, not only is the connection to the Dubai Royal Family extremely tenuous, the dingleberry clinging on to the ass-hairs of the Dubai Royal family is also pumping and dumping millions of dollars worth of tokens that the founders of Grove are giving him

Falasi Uncovered: Part 1 β€” Faking Royalty

Falasi Uncovered: Part 2 β€” Grifting the Grove Green Army

The Fake Coin

For the past couple of months Grove have been hyping up their own blockchain. I mean this shit is only using the Token as a transfer of wealth to the developers, so God knows what they intend to use a blockchain for, but they hyped up a migration date in early January, which of course was a disaster. So did the blockchain release? LMAO, NO. They just created a new TOKEN, called it "GroveCoin", and are now referring to Grove as though it's a coin.

In the immortal words of one of the Developers, Mendy;

To those that are having a time with their conversion, let me break it down really simple.

Token= fractions of pennies
Coin=whole pennies

So there you have it. Because Grove deleted 9 zeroes off their price, they're now a coin. That's all there is to it. Even though they're still just a smart contract on BSC. That's all there is to it!

The Fake Developers

It wouldn't be a shit-token on the Safemoon Swap if it didn't have a bunch of bozos LARPing as Cryptocurrency Developers. The three most prominent members of the team are;

  • John G - a former employee of "Harvey Norman" - an Australian Best Buy
  • Mendy - Some lady who claims to have invented online shopping
  • Al Falasi - The aforementioned dingleberry of the Dubai Royal Family who is relentlessly pumping & dumping.

Not a lick of experience between them, if you don't believe Mendy's claims that she invented online transactions (at her age, that means she invented it when she was a child)

Just another cautionary tale, it's just another side of the shit-dice that is the Safemoon Ecosystem.

submitted by /u/TNGSystems
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