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At what point do you consider multiple cold wallets?

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by COINS NEWS 57 Views

Cold storage is the only way to truly self-custody your crypto. I was hesitant towards self-custody at first because I was worried about the responsibility of it but it is the best decision I have made in my crypto journey so far. I read about how to do it safely and got a Ledger when I thought I had DCA’d enough.

I have my seed in two secured locations but as i try to DCA more I worry about losing my only cold wallet. I think having two wallets would be a better way to keep my assets in multiple locations so I don’t lose it all at once if something unexpected occurred.

How many of you have more than one cold wallet to self-custody your crypto? If so, At what point did you decide to do it? I realize I will have to store the seed in a different location as my first cold wallet but think it might make me feel more comfortable in the long run.

submitted by /u/Cheese6260
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