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Avoid getting scammed using ETH TestNets


Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance 130 Views

Avoid getting scammed using ETH TestNets

Yesterday someone scammed me and paid Test Net ETH to my wallet to my Binance ETH address too late I had already released the software that I was selling.
ETH on testnets has no real value; therefore, there are no markets for testnet ETH. I only realized what had happened 24 hours later not that am retarded I think that trick is good sh*t just don't get scammed.

Here is how :

Anytime someone is transacting to your address let them share their address (just like you'll share yours.)

Then go to you will see a search tab here you will see a search tab

On the tab outlined, enter/paste the address sent, we will use the senders in my case.

senders balance

Ethereum transactions are said to be anonymous but are traceable. In the far left box you can see that the sender does not have any ETH.

Just above the box click on the area surrounded by the small circle on hovering a pop up will appear click to view address on other 2 chains lets click!

addresses & transactions

I will click on the Goerli Testnet

balance = 0.4721

Remember this worthless ETH

Now click on transactions,

latest transactions...

Here our guy has so many transactions all done on test nets the numbers are there but not worth a single dollar.

This is a scammer!! and not ready to perform any business whatsoever. QUIT!!

cross check transaction details.

Scammers will make you feel that they lost their crypto.

from bunnieABC

submitted by /u/fujo11
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