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Bitcoin made a better person!!!!

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Sorry for the long post but hear me out..I made plenty of mistakes initially when I came into crypto space. Went after alts and shitcoins and should have ended up with more Bitcoins than what I have right now. All of this happend cos I didn't 'DYOR' and had very little clue about the space. Once I went in the Bitcoin rabbit hole..I have learned so much that now I am a different person and feel better about myself.

Things I learned -

1.) I understand finance and money much better now

2.) I used to be quite pro govt and used to trust the authority. I now understand how these guys use fiat money to fund war and use the central banking system to benefit themselves

3.) You guys might remember that in 2016 Govt of India made 500 and 1000 rupee bills illegal tender in name of curbing black money and stopping money laundering and replaced it with new currencies. All of this was annouced overnight and from next day the 500 and 1000 rps bills that people held had no value. I was stupid enough to support this and trust the Govt in this move.

After going down the Bitcoin rabbit hole I realised that how wrong and dangerous this move from the Govt was and how stupid I was to trust them. Many poor and middle class people suffered due to this move. Rich weren't even affected cos they had power and contacts they find loopholes.

4.) After this I realised the importance of Bitcoin. I understood what decentralization means and why it is important. Words like censorship resistance and be your own bank started making sense.

5.) I won't lie - I have cheered the powerful countries invading the less powerful in name of "Fight against Terrorism" and "ending dictatorship" cos I belived they were right. I realized how these invasion were made possible due to central banking policies and printing money. I don't do that anymore and understand the struggles of the less priviliged nations.

6.) I am not saying that with Bitcoin Standard there will be no wars. Humans are shit and will kill each other regardless but funding wars won't be that easy with Bitcoin Standard. Number of wars will go down significantly.

7.) I was foolish to think that poor people stay poor cos they don't work hard, they are lazy and stupid and blah blah blah. After going down the rabbit hole I learned how inflation is eating away the little savings that these people manage despite working hard and living on bare minimum expenses. I realized due to lack of credit history they never get loans to help educate themselves or their kids or start a business. If they borrow money from some unregulated borrower then they get ripped off due to insane interest rates and frauds. Its like being stuck in a endless loop of poverty with no way out. I no longer look down upon poor people and feel empathic towards them. I feel I am a better person now and all this happend cos I went in the Bitcoin rabbit hole.

If anyone of you haven't read enough on Bitcoin then pls pls go for it. Read 'The Bitcoin Standard', 'The Bullish Case for Bitcoin' and watch all those documentaries. This will be your best investment.

Some resources ---

submitted by /u/Deep-Art3195
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