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Bitcoin mining difficulty

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Hi BTC community,

I'm making a free tutorial on how BTC is working for beginners...

Thus, I would like to cover many subjects, among which the "Mining Difficulty".

I understood that the Difficulty = Current Target / Max Target


  • Where can I find the Current Target? How is the current target defined?
  • Why is the MAX target fixed at 00000000FFFF00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 and not F's only? which would be the highest hexadecimal figure
  • How to interpret the Difficulty figure?
    • For instance, today we have a difficulty of 36,950,494,067,222.
    • What does this figure mean exactly?
      • Does it mean that we would need an average of 36.950 TH as hash power to find the target hash?
      • I can see that an average ASIC has a hash power of 166TH/s, thus, it would take 0.21s to find it out... which is not logical... where am I wrong? :-D
    • (Current difficulty source:

Where can I find resources detailing these concepts? I could not find resources explaining such details...

thanks in advance for your help

submitted by /u/Internal-Artichoke-6
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