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Bitcoin node question. Is it better to sync up or transfer the Bitcoin blocks using a 3.0 USB cable?

Bitcoin Reddit

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Question for my Bitcoin Full Node, I will try and explain very simply.

  1. I currently have a full Bitcoin node on my portal HDD, let’s call it “HDD A” and It’s fully synced up and currently uses about 560gb of space. Great!

  2. I also have a 2nd portable HDD, let’s call this one HDD “B”.

  3. I use HDD “A” as my primary node, and it’s synced up all of the time.

  4. I use HDD “B” as my backup node, just in case “A” fails for some reason, and I sync up "B" every few weeks.


Instead of me syncing up HDD “B” every few weeks can I simply data transfer all of the Bitcoin blocks from HDD “A” over to HDD “B” via a 3.0 USB cable? (Yes I will make sure that I'm using the blue 3.0 USB to get 130mbps transfer speed).

And if I did do that would it completely override and recopy all of the Bitcoin blocks already on HDD “B” ?

Or would it recognise the Bitcoin blocks that are already there on HDD “B” and so it only transfers what needs to be transferred over (the newest bitcoin blocks) therefore saving time?

Much the same as when you transfer photos over to another drive, the software recognises if it’s already copying the same photos across again and so only copies what needs to be copied.


submitted by /u/Jealous-Impression34
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