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Blockchain technology is amazing but what's the point of having coins?

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by COINS NEWS 168 Views

Hi all

A blockchain is a distributed database that is shared among the nodes of a computer network. As a database, a blockchain stores information electronically in digital format.

The innovation with a blockchain is that it guarantees the fidelity and security of a record of data and generates trust without the need for a trusted third party.

One key difference between a typical database and a blockchain is how the data is structured. A blockchain collects information together in groups, known as blocks, that hold sets of information. Blocks have certain storage capacities and, when filled, are closed and linked to the previously filled block, forming a chain of data known as the blockchain. All new information that follows that freshly added block is compiled into a newly formed block that will then also be added to the chain once filled.

This is a great concept and has huge potential buuut at this stage blockchains are only utilised cryptocurrency systems for maintaining a secure and decentralized record of transactions.

It doesn't really help to create (already happened) and grow (happening) a parallel universe with 10 thousands of different coins and tokens if it doesn't have any real life implications.

So why is there so much of a focus on creating yet another crypto that does help the cryptocurrency space grow but does nothing for the average Joe down the road? Shouldn't developers focus on asking basic questions how blockchain can be adopted for daily living instead?

submitted by /u/LetsGoToTheMars
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