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[BLOG POST] How Does Nano Solve the Dust Issue? - Open to discussion

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by COINS NEWS 47 Views

How Does Nano Solve the Dust Issue?

Introduction & TL;DR:

"If you were ever prevented from spending your money due to transaction fees or minimum amount limits, you were holding dust in your digital wallet. Dust is a very common issue in the vast majority of financial and payment systems worldwide, except for nano.

Nano (XNO) completely solves the dust issue observed in multiple other payment systems or cryptocurrencies. In this article, I will explain what β€œdust” is in the context of digital money, how it can negatively affect users, and how nano successfully solves it by completely removing fees from the equation."

Read the blog post:

Thread open to discussions on the topic.

Table of contents:

  1. What is dust in digital money?
  2. How does dust affect digital money users?
  3. Nano is a dust-free decentralized network
submitted by /u/vinibarbosa
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