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Cardano (ADA) Welcomes Wrapped Bitcoin on Mainnet

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by COINS NEWS 96 Views

Another step forward for Cardano. I am a fan of Cardano (not a Cardano maxi) and I still can't understand why it has the reputation of being a 'ghost chain'. I understand that Haskell isn't a developer-friendly language, but it is secure, fast, scalable, and cheap.

Being able to mint Bitcoin on Cardano is a step forward as it will probably attract more users, and makes it possible to interact with the two blockchains from a single one, which is secure.

I'd like to ask the Reddit community, how will this upgrade impact the crypto fam?

Edit: I removed the ironic word 'underdog' as many people were commenting on Cardano not being an underdog as it's a top 10 coin. I'd like the comments to be constructive and helpful for people that don't know about wrapping tokens

submitted by /u/Affectionate_Cow3076
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