Cryptocoins Exchanges

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Kraken  - 1 year ago

Kraken Daily Market Report for July 04 2022

Overview Daily spot trading volume: $489.2 million, 30 day average spot: $706.0 million. Total futures notional: $117.5 million. The top five traded coins were, respectively, Tether (↑0.01%), Bitcoin (↑4.7%), Ethereum (↑7.0%), USD Coin (↑0.01%),...

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 1 year ago

usdt or busd

Which of these 2 would you rather keep your stables in? I was thinking usdt but as it sounds like it's been under attack it makes me have a little less faith. Would appreciate some incite into it. (I have half my stables in usdc, but I'd like...

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 1 year ago

Binance Pay To Spot Wallet

A friend is about to send me money on Binance Pay. I'm wondering if it's possible to Transfer it to Spot wallet Later. If it's possible, then how? I Googled this and still not answer. Please help. Thank you. submitted by /u/...

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 1 year ago

I'm really disappointed in binance

My p2p account was disabled since after 3 days.. and I have already settle the matter with the seller, and I have also sent my payment poof and still my account is still disabled why na submitted by /u/Sirgideon01 [link] [commen...

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 1 year ago

USD coin (POS) and USDC

Ok,So light me up. What is the difference between this two? Is USD coin something Like wrapped usdc ? That should mantain His VALUE 1:1 with usdc ? I got this by sending usdc using polygon network to my ledger ,thanks submitted by /u/ro...