
More / Etherum Reddit - 2 years ago

Goerli Validating

If I get the 32 Eth from the faucet & validate on the test net, when the merge happens will I still be able to validate or will I then need to get 32 actual Eth? submitted by /u/wbeachboy [link] [comments]

by COINS NEWS - 2 years ago

Which coin is the most decentralized?

There are several ways to measure decentralization (add more if you think of them): a. Decentralized governance: How decisions about future development of the network are being taken. b. Decentralized software development: Who contributes to source c...

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 2 years ago

Chilling Tales From The Peter Schiff Show

Bitcoin is the currency of the Internet: a distributed, worldwide, decentralized digital money. Unlike traditional currencies such as dollars, bitcoins are issued and managed without any central authority whatsoever: there is no government, company,...

More / Etherum Reddit - 2 years ago

Question about the Zelcore app i have

Hi everyone, Anyone else also using the new staking feature on Zelcore? Been the highest APY i've gotten so far, so curious who stakes their coins there aswell.. Have a nice day guys! submitted by /u/TastefulReind...

by COINS NEWS - 2 years ago

How many of you hold three cryptos or less?

When I was starting to get into crypto, the mantra I saw everywhere was “diversify your portfolio,” with some guys even recommending that you need at least 10 different cryptos in your bag to protect yourself from loses. Now I get besides ETH and BT...