
More / Bitcoin Reddit - 3 years ago

Barclays are now anti crypto

I just received a text message from barclays that they will no longer allow me to send money to binance, they haven't given a valid enough reason as to why I cant spend my own hard earned fiat on things of my choice so I am looking to change bank...

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

Monero is private, anonymous and fungible money.

The majority of articles I’ve read regarding REvil did not mention Monero even once. Monero is dominating in the DNM’s and is now becoming the dominant form of payment for ransomware. Monero is and I stress IS private, anonymous and fungible digital...

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

Text just received from my bank regarding crypto...

Uh oh. Just had a text from Barclays bank. UK. 'As you've made a payment to Binance this year, we wanted to let you know that we're stopping payments made by credit/debit card to them until further notice. This is to keep your money safe...

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

New CoinMarketCap Earn Availabe. $8 in GRT

Hey guys, welcome to my 5th post on how to earn some free crypto with Earn activities. Like most of you guys already use Coinbase for their Earn activities for various crypto on their platform, CoinMarketCap also offers those Earn Activities. This ti...

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

Did something big happen within the last hour or two?

Just took a look and the value of pretty much all my crypto besides KCS (which actually rose) took a sudden plunge within the past hour, but I don't see any news articles that would explain the sudden drop-off. Anyone have any insight as to what...