
More / Bitcoin Reddit - 3 years ago

If you people think Bitcoin's cultish behavior is bad, they should see the cultish behavior around my countries currency. We have "In God We Trust" on our paper dollars and a bunch of other cultish imagery like an all-seeing Pyramid. It's the most cultish

You wouldn't believe the things I've seen some people do for this paper that is melting in value faster and faster every day. I don't know if you've heard of it, but the cultish behavior around it is crazy. I've literally seen peo...

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 3 years ago

If you people think Bitcoin's cultish behavior is bad, they should see the cultish behavior around my countries currency. We have "In God We Trust" on our paper dollars and a bunch of other cultish imagery like an all-seeing Pyramid. It's the most cultish

You wouldn't believe the things I've seen some people do for this paper that is melting in value faster and faster every day. I don't know if you've heard of it, but the cultish behavior around it is crazy. I've literally seen peo...

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 3 years ago

If you people think Bitcoin's cultish behavior is bad, they should see the cultish behavior around my countries currency. We have "In God We Trust" on our paper dollars and a bunch of other cultish imagery like an all-seeing Pyramid. It's the most cultish

You wouldn't believe the things I've seen some people do for this paper that is melting in value faster and faster every day. I don't know if you've heard of it, but the cultish behavior around it is crazy. I've literally seen peo...

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

Some good Algo news, no FUD.

Algorand Foundation has awarded a substantial grant from their “Research projects and use cases” program to the project “EmFi: a special-purpose virtual currency for the Covid-19 socio-economic emergency in Italy”. Partners of the project are Politec...

More / Etherum Reddit - 3 years ago

DCA and Staking

Hi, this may be a stupid question but if I stake X amount of Eth via Kraken for example can I add to that amount over time or is a lump sum and then closed off? I've been accumulating weekly but am keen to start staking asap and didn't necess...