by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
Seriously, this needs to be repeated: Just because we are seeing massive growth does not mean you should take an emotionally charged decision and YOLO into the Crypto market. You should consider that there is a very real possibility of losing 30%-40%...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
Sarcastic, unhelpful and name calling is not how you welcome in new comers. Yes they should do research on projects and yes it can be funny when they were told to buy MillerCoin and it was a rug pull. But we all have had blunders and learned with exp...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
Just a shout out to the following users who don’t have their vaults set up. Every single one of you has 238 moons or more being distributed to you this proposal per snapshot. With moons currently at .3131 that is roughly $74 that you’re missing out o...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
I have done it. I completed the challenge of making $100 in 100 days from scratch. I had three rules for this challenge: Everyone with a device could do this. Max earning $25 with moons. There should be no initial skill or investemnet for earning mo...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
I'm a student from a third world country and I first heard about Bitcoin and Ethereum around 2016-17. I wanted to put whatever little money I had saved into ETH in 2017 but the due to continuous FUD from the government against Crypto, I just coul...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
Pretty much the title. If you bought ETH at 380 bucks and didnt sell at the top I congratulate you for having balls so big you may need a trolley to carry them around the city, but chances are you'll be taking those ETH alongside you to the grave...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
Hey, if you're using Brave Browser remember to increase the number of ads shown per hour from 5 to 10. You can do this by going into Brave Rewards and then select 10 from the drop-down menu. You can also do this on Android. Before this update the...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
As you probably already know, my country has a never-ending problem with inflation, I know it is not the worst out there, yet it is pretty frustrating. Never can I purchase anything I want without consulting prices everyday (since they fluctuate imm...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
Sen Warner who was behind the WH supported amendment has introduced a last minute amanedment This removes "proof of work" from the validations exception. This means proof of stake validators are also exempted, if this passes. But it still...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
We did it r/cryptocurrency, we are the no.1 cryptocurrency discussion sub on Reddit now. 3.294 Million (r/cc) vs 3.246 Million (r/bitcoin) Congrats to all the mods working tirelessly helping to maintain the quality of discussion in this sub with frea...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
When you finally understand the value and technology behind cryptocurrencies you know that in the end it is is here to stay, every dip thanks to FUD by the banks or government is just an opportunity to catch up with the rest. Got into crypto a year a...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
Commuting and working half your waking hours so you can squirrel away some peasant dollars in hopes of a 7% return per year. Meanwhile the people who perpetuate this culture of slave wages act as though we should all celebrate their unnecessary ego p...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
Every one of us here hold tokens, regardless if they're BTC or a Shitcoin. So many times people on here put people down for being just here for the money. Those same people always have their Reddit vaults open and are farming with passive aggress...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
Sometimes we can all be a little judgemental about what coins people have invested in when they make a profit. Can we stop that? The purpose of all of us investing into crypto in the first place is to make our lives easier. If someone has invested i...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
The time and money it takes to plan and carry out an endless string of interstate murders has gotten to be too much. I’ve decided to make a change. From now on, instead of gas for my white van, ammo for my guns, and shovels to bury bodies, I’ll be D...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
As the title says, I'm giving away the cigarette money to BTC and ETH and profit feels so good as my health situation gets better and better. I quit like 6 months ago and a pack of cigarettes worth like $3 in my country. $3 each day, for 6 months...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
I remember r/cryptocurrency being the most growing sub on whole reddit. This was with the dogecoin hype in the first quarter of this year. Mainstream media coverage was huge, everyone was talking about it, people were fomoeing until the crash happene...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
I began investing in the market in March of this year, soon after I started to acquire my first cryptos and was getting fairly well into ETH and some BTC. The crash was a wake up call and taught me my strategies were aggressively average, with bulk...