by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
I’m an American and I’ve lived in the Midwest all my life. I live in a state where everyone knows at least one person who has died from an overdose, poverty is rampant, and shit generally sucks. I’m a social worker and work as a therapist; I work wit...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
No, not Ted Cruz or any other U.S. career politician is anywhere close to being a true supporter of crypto. If you actually think any of these corrupt politicians have your and cryptos best interest in mind, you are being misled. Just like the 87 yea...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
I want it straight. Which crypto in the Top 20 currently do you think will die off the quickest (I.e. fall in rankings/dissolve/become obsolete) For me, I think $ICP will be the first one to capitulate. I’m excited to hear from you! Leave your answe...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
Welcome to the Daily Discussion. Please read the disclaimer, guidelines, and rules before participating. Disclaimer: Consider all information posted here with several liberal heaps of salt, and always cross check any information you may read on thi...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
I live in Bangladesh and I just turned 16, before coming across cryptocurrency a few months ago, I wasn't able to make online purchases, invest in anything online nor was I able to play paid games from steam. It is the only internationally recogn...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
Has been a top 10 coin all year Makes the crypto world go 'round with its astronomical amount of trading pairs on exchanges 100% backed by Hungarian Bonds, Beanie Babies, Enron Stock, and Beyblades. Everyone has it but doesn't want to admit i...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
I was pretty bad with money before I discovered crypto accidentally through trying to learn about finance and investing. It made me much more conscious of the little things I buy and now I enjoy saving more than spending. So now whenever I have a sp...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
Currently, xMoon (the xDai version of Moons; moderators, are these even confirmed to be equivalent ot mainnet Moons?) only has $35,789 available in liquidity for trading, and this is the only exchange where xMoon is available. The reason this is rele...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
Real world adoption has come even though some people aren’t even aware of it yet. I handed the front desk employee my card and asked ‘Do you accept this?’ They probably just noticed VISA and of course they would, but it feels good knowing that crypto...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
Personally I think xrp if it gets out of court or settles by then. Possibly a unknown coin short term I'm sure but I'm talking about regular coins we all know of. Thanks for your input! I just really like hearing other people's passionate...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
It's probably the unicorn-hunt that got me into crypto, the Bitcoin Pizza Guy story; mainstream media's obsession with the massive gains. As I spent time in the space I realised that while it's possible, it's pretty unlikely. I invest...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
I'm developing a real Truman syndrome, I swear to God. Is someone watching what I sell and pumping it to mess with me!? It all started when I decided to share my portfolio with this subreddit. Btw Pro tip: DON'T DO THAT. I let a bunch of peo...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
There this an un-written rule in this sub. Sort of like the bro code, but for moons. The moon code. Everybody's acting like they don't want moons. So many posts where the comments go 'hur dur, your just posting for moons'. Duh. They&...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
Well I'm single now, Money spent on her food? crypto Money for gifts, birthdays etc? crypto Money that I used on gas to take her places? crypto! Today dca'd into eth on the dip when I would have had to go on a dinner with her, and its surely...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
i can't remember the last time I have taken a shit and didn't either look at the charts or read some Crypto news/updates. It is amazing how Shit and Coins go hand and hand Definitely taking more poo breaks now as well so my colon is in way be...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
As the title states, what advice would you give to a newcomer, that has decided to invest in cryptocurrency. What should they do and not do? What steps should they take to ensure high security of their coins. Cheers! submitted by /u/War...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
As of right now, one Moon is worth 0.26 USD. This is absolutely huge! I live in Brazil and a dollar is worth 5.23 BRL. Our minimum wage here is about 1.31 USD/hour here (1100 BRL/month). There are people in this subreddit earning more than some fami...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
A paper published by Tether itself reports that only 10% of its stablecoin assets are backed by cash. And even though this is an improvement from 3%in May, this is still highly concerning. And this leaving aside the immense legal challenges it faces...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
This month I got 700 moons, not much, considering that the maximum amount of moons this month was about 4000 moons. Nevertheless, 700 moons, in the current prices, represent 40% of my monthly paycheck! More than a hobby, crypto and this sub has been...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
I learned about staking only recently, and decided to start moving my coins off exchanges into their respective wallets to take advantage of the passive income, and to see how the coins feel when moving and using them, just for fun. Here's my exp...