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by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

How much hopium is to much hopium.

With hopium levels at all times highs we are seeing the highest levels of crypto addicts. How much hopium is to much hopium. What can we do to help. A moon a day will keep the hopium away. A small like can save a life. Up vote all Comments and let...

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

We're WAY too early, for this sole reason:

Fuckin' boomers. I'm not kidding. They're not investing as much as us. Anecdotally, but I told my father to invest in BTC and he told me, verbatim: "Bitcorn... I don't trust that. A few years ago there was a polemic with that wh...

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

I was wrong about ETH

I have been telling anybody that would listen to me once the EIP Hard fork comes live the price of ETH would dip, significantly. Buy the rumour, sell the news I thought. I made my first (and last) foray into leveraged trading by shorting ETH with 10x...

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

Moons are surreal

Does anyone else find the entire concept of moons surreal? Imagine being paid to make memes and talk to strangers on the internet. That's enough for a serial introvert like myself to make this post. I think an issue most of us lurkers find is to...