Etherum Reddit

More / Etherum Reddit - 1 year ago

I'm confused on a transaction. Need help.

So say I want to copy this transaction: This transaction uses the method "swap tokens for exact tokens". The value on etherscan says '0' even...

More / Etherum Reddit - 1 year ago

Can access to the dEaD address ever be retrieved?

Hey guys. Lots of projects use 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD to send tokens that need to be burned. This happens when the token sc doesn’t have a burn function and almost every api deducts the token in the dead address so that they don’...

More / Etherum Reddit - 1 year ago

Web3 aimed degree choice

I’m currently a sixth former undertaking maths, further maths, physics and economics. I would like to pursue a career in a disruptive industry, predominantly web3. My next step is to choose a university course that most suits this future path. What w...

More / Etherum Reddit - 1 year ago

Pls help a noob out

I have a transaction that was submitted in November, it never went through and it’s stuck pending. Now i have tried to match the nonce to cancel it out, but im getting an error that says nonce too low and i has no idea how to fix this. Pls someone he...

More / Etherum Reddit - 1 year ago

Staking ETH via Metamask, worth it?

I'm no wolf of wall street but is it worth me moving my 1 ETH from binance to my metamask to stake it? I've been holding it for the long term. I see two providers; Lido and Rocket Pool. I'm curious whether staking on either of these will...

More / Etherum Reddit - 1 year ago

How do stablecoins work?

I know that they are backed 1:1 by the asset that they represent, but those assets aren't actually traded digitally (like dollars), so how does their value remain close to the value of what they represent? submitted by /u/crustyrust...

More / Etherum Reddit - 1 year ago

Ethereum Erigon Help!

Hi all, I recently started deploying my own nodes. I have a basic understanding of Erigon deployment but need help with understanding how the pruning options work. I'm trying to deploy a node to allow me to get block, tracsaction/receipt and tra...