Etherum Reddit

More / Etherum Reddit - 1 year ago

What data do you lose when you prune Geth?

I am reading the hardware requirement for Geth here and I noticed this portion: At the time of writing (September 2022) a 2TB SSD is recommended for a full node running Geth and a consensus client. Geth itself requires >650GB of disk space for a...

More / Etherum Reddit - 1 year ago

Staking Questions

is there an easier way to solo stake without messing with linux? or something with an easier to use UI that only requires a few clicks instead of typing a bunch of commands? who are the reputable names for staking service? submitted by ...

More / Etherum Reddit - 1 year ago

A Simple Explanation of EOF: EVM Object Format

EOF is the biggest upgrade in the EVM's history. Coming in the Shanghai fork in March, EOF will completely change how Ethereum works. Here's a summary. ​ EIP-3540 The first upgrade in EOF changes how instructions to the EVM are structu...

More / Etherum Reddit - 1 year ago

JADE: 12 reason why you should invest.

Here’s a link to the article I wrote about JADE come check it out. submitted by /u/Educational_Fun16...

More / Etherum Reddit - 1 year ago

Layer 2 activity is ramping up

Layer 2 activity is ramping up and has surpassed Layer 1 Ethereum for some metrics, including transactions per second. I've noticed that TPS are higher on Layer 2 networks than on Ethereum. However, this does not equate to overall activity on th...

More / Etherum Reddit - 1 year ago

Overcoming Adversity… submitted by /u/Educational_Fun1677 [link] [comments]

More / Etherum Reddit - 1 year ago

L2s Become More Valuable than L1s?

In theory, L2 blockchains will become more valuable than L1s. If one of the primary reasons for holding an L1 token is for its use within the ecosystem, but an existing L2 is faster and cheaper, why hold L1 other than paying for fees when using the L...

More / Etherum Reddit - 1 year ago

Run node vs Validator

Hi Can someone explain the differences between running a Ethereum node vs been a validator? submitted by /u/antonysdev [link] [comments]

More / Etherum Reddit - 1 year ago

Medical Record Management system using blockchain

There has been a lot of talk about using blockchain for storing medical records but I fail to understand what's the need of a distributed ledger in this case , like we can use any db which restricts updating the records for maintaining consistenc...