Etherum Reddit

More / Etherum Reddit - 1 year ago

Rocketpool l2 ?

I have 2 questions . Is rocket pool on any l2 solutions or eth sidechains like polygon? I think this would be a good implementation cause right now the gas fees kill any type of reward if you’re staking a small amount, Also with Rocketpool, does th...

More / Etherum Reddit - 1 year ago

Should I invest in Ethereum?

Was looking to put around £60 into my bank tonight to buy a few shares of ETH since it was only around £9 a share earlier, but now it’s gone up to around £33. Should I invest now? Or should I wait until the price goes lower again. Thank you. ...

More / Etherum Reddit - 1 year ago

Where does Ethereum's protocol revenue go?

Hello! I was looking at token terminal's protocol revenue chart and Ethereum is #1 by a huge margin! ($8.5B in the last year) I'm wondering where does all this ETH go? A DAO? ETH min...

More / Etherum Reddit - 1 year ago

Testnet vs. Mainnet value question

Hello, I have been fooling around with smart contracts, and web 3 development and I have had this question for a couple weeks, if anyone could help that would be great. So, what gives the ETH on the Mainnet value while ETH on a testnet does not have...

More / Etherum Reddit - 1 year ago

What's the APR for stake ETH?

I know currently it's possible to do staking using some third parties platforms or validator aggregators. Can anyone say what's the current APR for stake ETH and the expected APR after merge? Also, will it be a stable and guaranteed APR? Has...