
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

Increase in "I'm Selling" posts - Coordinated attack??

So I noticed a few posts that say they're selling their crypto or taking profits. Doesn't feel right. Feels like someone rich and powerful wants the little guy to sell his crypto on the cheap so they can buy it all up. Anyone notice this? Edi...

More / Etherum Reddit - 3 years ago

Mining Rewards cut to half?!? (CONSPIRACY THEORY)

Conspiracy theory... Is just me that have a feeling that I'm paying almost 50% pool fee?? let me explain... so when difficulty was 7,5 p I was mining 0,005 eth/day with my rtx 3080... with the price increase of ETH it was like 20$/day (remember t...

More / Etherum Reddit - 3 years ago

Best way to navigate a compromised private key

Like the title says, I have a compromised private key. I am pretty sure the thieves are watching the address. The address is currently the refund address for some tokens locked in a smart contract. Is there a set of best practices that I could use to...

More / Etherum Reddit - 3 years ago

Question about joining the waitlist for ETH2

On Coinbase you can join the waitlist for ETH2, and as a reward you’ll be staked. My knowledge about staking is limited, do I have to do anything in regards to that? As far as I’m aware, staking means that one has to perform some kind of task for sta...

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

Officially Sold for a Semester’s Worth of Tuition

I’m super excited about this and just wanted to share! I sold my ADA position today for enough to cover my tuition in my last year of uni. I’m in school to be a teacher and my next semester is a full time practicum meaning I’d have to stop working. T...

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

Most of the people still don’t understand market caps

Just sent a msg “ADA ????????” to my only friend I can talk about crypto to start a discussion. He replied “Yep, if it goes to $1000 I’ll be rich.” I proceeded to explain him marketcaps and even sent him link to the “TheCoinPerspective” site but he...

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

Meme coins are the attack vector I didn't see coming

I've been in the crypto space since 2011 and I haven't been this disappointed with the direction the community was headed since centralized coins began being viewed as legitimate by so many crypto users. You can't hack crypto, you can'...

More / Etherum Reddit - 3 years ago

Central Bank attack on PoS vs. PoW

Dear all, there is a scenario in my head that made me post to discuss further. It is highly appreciated if the bold questions can be discussed/answered. Assumptions: A central bank wants or a group of coordinated central banks want to attack a crypt...

More / Etherum Reddit - 3 years ago

Rewriting transaction history in POS?

In a POW chain, it requires a lot of computing power and time to re-write the whole blockchain history. But in POS, it doesn't. It wouldn't be hard to fake all the block producing processes and timestamps and thus all the transaction history...