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by COINS NEWS - 8 months ago

Did everyone forget about 2021?

It's crazy to say this, but it seems like everyone forgot about what happened in 2021. The crazy gains, the adoption, the hype, and the bullish sentiment. This was only 2 years ago! From then, our technology has gotten better, our marketing is be...

by COINS NEWS - 8 months ago

Whats Been Your Best Decision In Crypto?

We had a post earlier today talking about our biggest mistakes in Crypto and it has some very interesting answers so I thought I would throw out the other side of the coin and ask people what their biggest win in Crypto has been to date Mine has hon...

by COINS NEWS - 8 months ago

What’s been your biggest Crypto mistake?

For me it was watching WAY TOO MANY damn YT videos back during the last low (May 2020) through the the last ATH (Sept 2021). Trying too many strategies the YT Crypto β€œAnalysts” suggested, buying shitcoins they shilled, and believing their analysis as...

by COINS NEWS - 8 months ago

Zero sympathy for PEPE holders

PEPE is finally pulling the rug, and anyone who lost money because they expected gains from "investing" in a token with absolutely no future deserves zero sympathy. You got exactly what you paid for, a hard life lesson. I'll at le...

by COINS NEWS - 8 months ago

A trader bought the hype when Elon tweeted a picture of a "Milady", buying $1.3Mil of Milady, then FOMOed even harder buying a further $400,000 after a profit. Then they panic sold for $800k when the price dropped. Total Loss: approx $1 Million. The price

A trader with wallet 0x78e... seems to love their influencers. Elon Musk doing Elon Musk things tweeted a picture of a Milady(I won't even attempt to explain what that is). Off the back of this, this trader bought $1.3 Million worth of Mila...