Etherum Reddit

More / Etherum Reddit - 10 months ago

Will there be a GameFi summer?

Once you add GameFi into the equation, the entire space transforms into a whole new thing. I'm talking mind-bending use cases for NFTs and pushing L2 scaling to its absolute limits. But what if I told you that with the power of GameFi, these NFT...

More / Etherum Reddit - 10 months ago

Reasons Why Ethereum Has Intrinsic Value

Ethereum has experienced significant growth and value over the past six years. Here are the key reasons for its inherent value: Smart Contract Capability: Ethereum enables the execution of programmable smart contracts, powering decentralized applica...

More / Etherum Reddit - 10 months ago

IoT and blockchain

Is there any way I can send iot sensor data to a blockchain? I am using nodemcu submitted by /u/amaze256 [link] [comments]

More / Etherum Reddit - 10 months ago

Unstaking time on Coinbase

Does anyone have recent experience unstaking on Coinbase? Its estimating 10 days for me and I want to know if its even remotely accurate. Thanks submitted by /u/thotles [link] [comments]

More / Etherum Reddit - 10 months ago

Possible projection of events for Coinbase

Maybe Coinbase will end up having to turn into a Marketplace like Uniswap. Back in Sept '22, Citadel, Fidelity and Schwab, in a joint move, announced a new Crypto Exchange called EDX. As of now, EDX markets has begun executing trades (only in BTC...

More / Etherum Reddit - 10 months ago

How the validating node is chosen

So I’ll admit to being not well versed in how POS works. I have a question about it and I apologize if this has been addressed before or if my understanding is wrong. My understanding is that a node is chosen “at random” to validate the next block. T...

More / Etherum Reddit - 10 months ago

Development Fund for Web3 Startups

Hey all founders and devs, I want to share a program that is enabling early stage web3 startups to get up to $50,000 in developer services. If you are interested, I have included the direct information and application link below ???????? https://blan...

More / Etherum Reddit - 10 months ago


Can anyone recommend on how to create an account on the lens protocol? I am trying and cant help to Find it. submitted by /u/Aarontook [link] [comments]

More / Etherum Reddit - 10 months ago

To explore the quantitative trading in the future! We are a leading quantitative trading company, based on the innovation strategies of algorithm and high frequencyHelp investors get stable and high yield of trading opportunities.

High yield Potential: Our quantitative trading programs have impressive high yield potential. Based on historical data and real-time market intelligence, our intelligent robots are able to quickly identify and capitalize on investment opportunities,...

More / Etherum Reddit - 10 months ago

First time wallet drained

I created a wallet and funded it. I used it for an open source bot. I tested with a small amount everything seemed fine. I added more funds everything seemed fine. I let the bot run over night and approximately 5 hours later was drained. What is the...