Etherum Reddit

More / Etherum Reddit - 1 year ago

Smart contracts with private keys

I think OP attempted to illustrate the idea with a simple example use case, which happens to be solvable with signatures. I haven't looked into the paper yet. But judging from the blog post description, one use case of mpc + zk that comes to my mind...

More / Etherum Reddit - 1 year ago

When will I be able to sell my ETH2?

This is legitimately my only question but this community has a guideline of so many characters so all of this bottom text is just extra so I'm actually allowed to post here. Which is strange because some questions are simple and don't need a paragra...

More / Etherum Reddit - 1 year ago

EIP-1559 Adoption - The Daily Gwei #512

tldr; Ethereum’s most popular network upgrade to date has been EIP-1559. About 80% of the network is now using 1559-style transactions. This means that 20% of transactions on the network are still using the ‘legacy’ transaction type. This summary is...

More / Etherum Reddit - 1 year ago

What are the use cases of ENS?

While thinking about working on a web3 project I thought ENS was a good filter for quality networking in web3 and thus started building While we are building it I realised there are probably not many other use cases in thi...

More / Etherum Reddit - 1 year ago

My Eth automatically got transferred

0.00757 Eth automatically got transferred to 0x666666683a047a04a81d8a71582dd8437997fed5 8 days ago. Here is the transaction hash 0xdb555d8e83869cff6a3f0a89206ba1e1b4d204a546af2361fc593e5971ea6820 . I don't remember even entering my wallet address in...

More / Etherum Reddit - 1 year ago

Understanding data availability for zk rollups

My understanding is that if a zkrollup operator suddenly ceases operation, you have to sync the rollup’s history from genesis to get the current state. In other words, if the transaction data has been posted to 500 ethereum blocks, you would need al...

More / Etherum Reddit - 1 year ago

Decentralization is the answer to big tech

tldr; Tech giants like Facebook, Google and Apple are all monopolies precisely because their business models benefit disproportionately from scale, measured by the numbers of users. With fewer viable competitors, there’s less incentive for big tech...

More / Etherum Reddit - 1 year ago

Post merge - keys system (ecdsa vs bls)

Hey, will I need to update my key after the merge? Everything I read is about bls but the big question, as a user in the network (not validator) can I continue to use ecdsa? Or I have to update me key system to bls? submitted by /u/Craz...