Etherum Reddit

More / Etherum Reddit - 3 years ago

ETH2 Validator Question

*after* Phase 2 launch, can you just continue being a validator and earning the corresponding (scaled) rewards? Or does the need for validators stop post-Phase 2 launch? (Basically wondering how long the "lifespan" of being a validator coul...

More / Etherum Reddit - 3 years ago

Lottery on Ethereum Blockchain from A to Z

hi, I wrote some blog posts about how to create smart contract lottery on ethereum blockchain with Solidity with deployment and testing. submitted by /u/dolohow [link] ...

More / Etherum Reddit - 3 years ago

opinions on uni or cake

hey guys just learning about AMMs and i think the biggest ones are uniswap and pancake ????.. how do you guys feel about uni being the head of this area? or should i be buying cake over uni? submitted by /u/cxtronco [link] [comm...

More / Etherum Reddit - 3 years ago

Will fees ever be

I know that EIP-1559 will set a baseline for fees and 2.0/sharding will allow the network to process more transactions, but will ETH transaction fees themselves ever be lowered to less than a cent? Thanks! :) submitted by /u/MichaeljRgs...

More / Etherum Reddit - 3 years ago

Would 1559 eliminate the need for Polygon?

I've been seeing a lot about Polygon/Matic but I didn't buy in because I felt like it was a solution to a problem that wouldn't exist after the update. Can you all help me understand this better? submitted by /u/KcRoyal29...

More / Etherum Reddit - 3 years ago

Accepting ETH as payment.

I have a business and I want to accept ETH and other crypto as payment for service. My rate is $100/hour. How do I decide how much ETH to charge for an hour with the price fluctuation? How often do I need to change that price? submitted by ...

More / Etherum Reddit - 3 years ago

Ethereum Blockchain Monitoring

So I was looking to build a blockchain monitoring monitoring application for a hackathon and I had a couple of doubts about it. Would generalised blockchain monitoring look more or less like or are there other fields which would require...