Etherum Reddit

More / Etherum Reddit - 6 months ago

Dev connect 2023

Dev connect was this weekend right? Was hoping that the Eth thread would be full of highlights and recaps. What’s the best place to catch up? submitted by /u/Dieselx22 [link] [comments]

More / Etherum Reddit - 6 months ago

Where is transaction verification handled in Geth?

When a miner receives a block, it needs to check transaction signatures as part of verifying the block. Looking at the call hierarchy for crypto.SigToPub it’s not clear where an incoming block’s signatures are verified. Can anyone point me to the rel...

More / Etherum Reddit - 6 months ago

Where did my ethereum go?

Hi Everyone, I’m panicking right now as I have tried to get ETH into my metamask wallet twice now and it seems like my money is gone and I’m not sure what happened. I tried to buy ETH using moonpay the first time and the second time, I tried transfer...

More / Etherum Reddit - 6 months ago

Need help writing up a smart contract.

As part of a larger project, I need help implementing Shamir's Secret Sharing algorithm in Ethereum and IPFS. I am an UG engineering student and have just got out of a month long stay in the ICU due to an infected wound. I have a progress present...

More / Etherum Reddit - 6 months ago

Is my ETH gone forever?

Sent ETH via arbitrum to my account ~2years ago and have still not been able to recover the funds. Ive Spoken to coinbase support multiple times with varying degrees of help ranging from complete delusion to telling me funds might be abl...

More / Etherum Reddit - 6 months ago

You think this would suffice to run a node?

Found this when putting together a list of things for a DIY d&d table. Figured when it's not being used to run session, could let it run client. I think it meets the basic requirements. Would definitely keep it hardwired to a router. ...

More / Etherum Reddit - 6 months ago

Easiest way to buy ethereum and send it ?

Recently bought ethereum on coinbase and can’t send it because I don’t have a coinbase 1 account. Please tell me which app I can buy .01 ethereum and send it immediately. That’s it. I don’t know why this is so hard. Please help submitted by &#...

More / Etherum Reddit - 6 months ago

Does anyone know why Kiln is called Kiln?

A Kiln is a massive furnace used to burn things. If im going to give a company my eth to stake why would I give it to a company that names themselves after a burning machine. It makes it sound like its a complete scam and they are literally rubbing i...

More / Etherum Reddit - 6 months ago

Question about using the aggregator Matcha

Is Matcha safe to use for large quantities, say swapping $150,000 USDC to ETH? Is the amount it says you'll receive accurate, or can it change after you verify? Some other swap apps display a "Minimum Received" quantity, which can make...

More / Etherum Reddit - 6 months ago

Possible Ethereum use case.

What’s lovely about Ethereum or the idea of crypto is that it will be around for a really long time. I just watched a video of a women cleaning off a strangers tombstone. She went over the persons story and his life. He was born during the 1850s and...

More / Etherum Reddit - 6 months ago

To longtime Ethereum holders

What was the early sentiment around ETH like? What complications did it have early on and how has it grown from those? What do you or don’t you like about the current state of ETH? Thanks! submitted by /u/ultimate_mood073 [link] ...

More / Etherum Reddit - 7 months ago

Nerayoffs allegations against Buterin?

Hi all, I have a good amount of Ethereum but just saw the news from Vitalik Buterins former advisor. What are everyones thoughts on this? Does this pose a risk to ethereum? submitted by /u/asrandrew [link] [comments]

More / Etherum Reddit - 7 months ago

Ledger Wallet

I have a significant amount of ETH in a Ledger wallet. I store the wallet, along with the phrase words, in a safe in my house. I know it’s extremely dangerous to store the Ledger and the words together but I’m really at a loss as to the best way to s...