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CCIP-050 - Provide up to a 10% Discount on the banner for companies that post about the CC Banner + Moons on their Twitter. (5% for announcing the Banner/linking to the sub + 5% for mentioning Moons in the tweet)

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by COINS NEWS 81 Views


The banner for r/cryptocurrency just launched and it's doing great, 126K moons have been burned in the four weeks that the banner has been booked. The idea can be further expanded to the benefit of the sub and Moons, and here's how.


When a company books the banner they have an option to tweet about it on their social channels and receive a discount. By screenshotting the banner and linking to the main page of r/cryptocurrency they can receive a 5% discount, by briefly mentioning Moons in the tweet they can receive another 5% off.

A few potential examples of mentioning Moons that would qualify.

  • Burned X amount of Moons for the banner
  • Really excited to see what happens to Moons in the future
  • The native CryptoCurrency token Moons

Just a brief mention is all that is needed to get the second 5% off.

Expanding the idea:

By mentioning the CryptoCurrency subreddit/moons, these companies can get a discount on their banner advertisement and we can get free publicity from these other companies social channels. It's a win/win for both parties. It's also completely optional, a company can opt out of the mentions and still advertise with the banner with no discount.

The discount would be for up to 10% off and would only be valid for a maximum of 1 week. It can be done multiple times up to a week at a time for any company advertising with the banner.

As Twitter is probably the largest platform for Brands/Companies to connect with their users this proposal only covers Twitter. It doesn't take into account mentions on other platforms like Telegram, Facebook, or other SubReddits.

In the unlikely event a company doesn't follow through with agreed social mentions their purchased Banner time will be cut by 1 day or 10% - whatever is greater.


  • It's a win/win for both parties
  • Easy to implement and maintain for moderators
  • Helps to spread the word about the subreddit and Moons


  • Burns slightly less moons for companies that participate

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submitted by /u/GabeSter
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