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Chinese researchers claim to find way to break encryption using quantum computers

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Original article on ft (paywall):

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Researchers in China claim to have reached a breakthrough in quantum computing, figuring out how they can break the RSA public-key encryption system using a quantum computer of around the power that will soon be publicly available.

Breaking 2048-bit RSA β€” in other words finding a method to consistently and quickly discover the secret prime numbers underpinning the algorithm β€” would be extremely significant. Although the RSA algorithm itself has largely been replaced in consumer-facing protocols, such as Transport Layer Security, it is still widely used in older enterprise and operational technology software and in many code-signing certificates.

If a malicious adversary were able to generate these signing keys or decrypt the messages protected by RSA then that adversary would be able to snoop on internet traffic as well as potentially pass off malicious code as if it were a legitimate software update, potentially enabling them to seize control of third-party devices.

Are we f*!ked ??

submitted by /u/solemnJoker
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