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Coinbase, Treasury, & Sueing the Federal Government of the United States, Know What You're Getting Into

Etherum Reddit

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I probably gaslit Coinbase's lawyers into sueing the Treasury by just relentlessly FUDing reddit for 3 weeks until Vitalik was probably ready to commit sepukku.

Be warned though SCOTUS is stacked with hardcore fascists.
I just listened to Robert Barnes last night explain how SCOTUS has just relentlessly selected the outcome of cases through latches and dismissals, and rulings to favor national security; they increase corporate liability, but they protect the spook people. Know thy enemy.

You may think SCOTUS is exclusively Partisan, but it is not, it is exclusively Nat Security. They're ok with going after corporations, but if you try to turn your cases against the Military industrial complex on non Bill of Right grounds, you're highly likely to lose. They should have reversed the banking secrecy act long ago, and haven't lost or done so, despite it violating the fourth amendment.

submitted by /u/samdane7777
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