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Congrats - There's a high chance you got 150k of unsolicited shitcoin sitting in your BSC wallet! Seriously. But there's really no reason to get excited or alarmed

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So, I read this post by u/hackamorepanda earlier. He discovered some coin in his BSC wallet that estimated to 13k UAD. That's huge!

Commenters quickly said it could be a dusting attack. I did a bit of research and it turned out to be a different scam. The scale is enormous - 4% of all BSC wallets got it. SO, to save y'all the trouble and the temptation - I decided to share all I managed to find.

This project (I won't mention it on purpose, they don't deserve ANY publicity) expects you to pay 0.3 BNB or 0.9 BNB to "promote" your account to Level 2 or Level 3, which will allow you to move/trade the tokens.

!!Don't even consider sending them even a fraction of a fraction of your BNB dust!!! It is most definitely a scam!!! How do I know? Because it's no different than send me 1 BTC and I'll send you back 2 BTC.

And don't let the fact that they "sent you the coins" fool you!

  • they actually didn't - check your transactions, you won't find an incoming tx of that coin. It's some kind of smart contract thing. I can't smart contract, but based on my limited understanding, it's kind of like when you delegate your POS tokens – you transfer the tokens to the validator, but they can't move/sell it because you still own the tokens.
  • it cost them nothing to create, so this tokens are indeed worthless.

A total of 3,378,120 BSC addresses (out of the total of 84.47M) have this token. And my idea is that all addresses that interacted with pancakeswap got this filth. I checked my hypothesis, and it appears that only addresses that don't have PCS transactions are clear, like Binance wallets, top whales with transfers only to actual addresses and inactive users.

I don't think the fact that it's sitting there is any reason for concern. I wouldn't waste my time figuring out how to even get rid of it. Hide it from your wallet interface and you're good as far as I'm concerned. The only way this scam works is if you play their little game IN ANY WAY.

So yeah, 4% of all BSC addresses have it. Are you among the chosen ones (lol)? Check your address on BSCscan!

But please stay safe and don't fall for this OBVIOUS SORRY-ASS SCAM!

submitted by /u/inevitable_username
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