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Crpyto gaming needs a lot of change to become mainstream

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by COINS NEWS 25 Views

The few usable crypto games seem that are nothing but a grindfest. We you do that same thing over and over trying to make money.

We should be able to enjoy the game while forgetting that we are using crypto-related mechanics.

We love the ideia of selling comestics as NFT's is good, but that can't be the main core of the game!

To fix this problem the dev team could introduce crypto gaming mechanics gradually, rather than forcing them on players from the start. Having content a story instead of only grinding. A game could introduce crypto related features as players progress.

Creating a good game cost a lot of money and time. And crypto games will only be a part of industry if crypto either helps to reduce costs or making the game more interesting.

submitted by /u/Extreme_Nectarine_29
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