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Details regarding how the RNG works for POS?

Etherum Reddit

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Hello, could someone point to a guide/post/video regarding the details of how the RNG works for POS block producing currently?

In an old video, it's said that the participants commit a hash of a number and later disclose the number used to create the hash. Later on, all the numbers are used as seeds for the RNG. However, in this case, the people observing the chain could wait until the last minute to disclose the numbers (or not) to maximize their chance of making more future blocks. Also, as the numbers propagate through the distributed network, someone in the network could choose to censor such information to maximize their own chance to build future blocks. Also, how does the deadline to disclose the numbers work in such a distributed system?

There are some later articles talking about RANDAO + VDF, however, in this case, who are calculating the VDFs? If it's the same people who submit the VDF seeds, they could just choose to not submit the VDF results to cheat. Also, machines calculate the VDFs in different speeds (20x or more), and someone looking at the seeds others submit for VDFs could use parallel computing to calculate their VDF results too. How does this thing work really? And what's the deadline to submit VDF results?

submitted by /u/fkpolimods
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