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Every dip is the same and it's boring as hell.

Bitcoin Reddit

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Every. Single. Time. Crypto dips 10-20% and the media pounce on it like they haven't had food in weeks (which, if you watch the news - they don't) and then they repeat the same bs they have been writing for the past ten years. Crypto bad. People losing money. Stay away. It's a bubble.

One freaking week later when the course has somewhat gone back or went stable they write the exact oposite. It's pathetic and it's getting so boring. I'm a moron and I can still prophecy everything they will write depending on the course because it's never something new. It's never informative or original. It's just fear mongering in the most boring way possible and then as if nothing happened they tell you it's a good investment when it goes up.

Every newsoutlet has supported both sides of the coin multiple times, just copy pasting what they wrote the last time something similar happens. Be it a dip or a spike.

submitted by /u/Gilgameshbrah
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