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Here are some great Bitcoin content creators

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I wanted to give a few Bitcoin related YouTube channels and podcasts some love. They're not listed in any particular order. I'll give a brief description of the content, an example of one of my favorite episodes/videos, and links to where you can find their work. Feel free to make recommendations to other Bitcoin related content in the comments!

  • Bitcoin Audible - This podcast was pivotal to my journey down the Bitcoin rabbit hole. It is narrated by Guy Swann and he reads Bitcoin related works and articles. At the end of most of his episodes he has a "Guy's Take" where he gives his opinion of the article and expands on it. There are even several episodes where he simply discusses a topic. He also does interviews with prominent bitcoiners. There are hundreds of episodes to listen too and you don't have to listen in any particular order.

    Website | Podcast | Favorite episode: Guy's Take #36 - Walking Tall

  • Compass Podcast - This podcast is for the more experienced bitcoiners who are interested in mining. It was created by Compass Mining, a company that sells miners and connects users with hosting providers. They go over everything mining, from miner setup to the economics of energy for mining.

    Podcast | Youtube | Favorite episode: Episode 56 - Financial Sovereignty Through Mining Bitcoin

  • Yungfi - Yungfi is one of several new YouTube channels dedicated to creating Bitcoin related content. They have fun, short-form videos about how Bitcoin works and its economic implications. Many of their videos are animated and seem to pull some inspiration from Kurzgesagt. So if you want to watch short yet informative videos on Bitcoin, I highly recommend them!

    Youtube | Favorite video: Inflation vs Deflation - Which is better?

  • BTC Sessions - BTC Sessions' youtube channel is chock full of useful tutorials on many popular Bitcoin products. Hardware wallets, software wallets, Lightning applications, etc. If you're having trouble figuring out how to use a specific wallet or app, BTC Sessions likely has you covered. He also has a podcast where he discusses the latest developments in the ecosystem.

    Youtube | Favorite video: How To Run A Bitcoin Lightning Network Node - Step By Step Tutorial

  • Simply Bitcoin - Simply Bitcoin is for the maximalists among us. They cover the daily news, fails, and memes. They also have guests on to discuss everything from self-custody solutions to inflation and the bond market. They're basically Bitcoin Twitter in the form a show!

    Youtube | Favorite episode: Future of Bitcoin Hardware Wallets: SeedSigner

  • Bitcoin Magazine - Bitcoin Magazine is probably one of the oldest content creators on this list. As suggested by the name, they have a physical magazine and a website that posts articles, news, and op-eds on Bitcoin. They also have a YouTube channel and several podcasts. They also host THE Bitcoin Conference (the one where the El Salvador announcement took place). Definitely a must watch, read, listen, and attend for bitcoiners.

    Website | Youtube | Conference | Favorite video: El Salvador Becomes The First Country to Declare Bitcoin Legal Tender w/ Jack Mallers of Strike

  • Mark Moss - Check out Mark Moss' content if you're interested in the economy and investing. He gives great presentations about macro-economics and ties them into Bitcoin. He also gives you ways you can protect your wealth in these uncertain times. His thumbnail game is also on point!

    Youtube | Favorite video: The War On Cash Is Over – Do This Now

  • Power Laws: Bitcoin Documentaries - This channel takes audio from Bitcoin related content creators and podcasts (including a few listed here) and adds great visuals. His editing is really impressive and gives me Cheddar vibes.

    Youtube | Favorite video: Bitcoin: The Separation of Money and State

  • Till Musshoff - Till makes great videos about Bitcoin and entrepreneurship. His Bitcoin videos are great for new-coiners and pre-coiners. He goes through how it works and the common misconceptions and myths about Bitcoin. I've been really enjoying his videos on entrepreneurship and productivity. Think of him like Thomas Frank as a bitcoiner.

    Youtube | Favorite video: Bitcoin is the Schelling Point of Money | Game Theory, Network Effects & Lindy Effect in Bitcoin

  • Robert Breedlove - If you have a great attention span and a love for philosophy, Robert Breedlove's "What is Money" podcast is for you. He goes through the philosophical underpinnings of Bitcoin, money, and liberty as a whole. He's had long and interesting talks with prominent bitcoiners like Max Hillebrand and Michael Saylor. If you're doing a long mindless task like working out or cleaning he's a great listen.

    Youtube | Favorite episode: WiM055 - The Hillebrand Series | Episode 4 | Justice and Reason

  • The Bitcoin Standard Podcast - Many of you have probably read Dr. Saifedean Ammous' book "The Bitcoin Standard". If you haven't, I highly suggest you do. But did you know he also has a great podcast? He discusses many of the topics covered in the book and does interesting interviews as well (I really like interviews). He's a great source if you want to learn more about Austrian economics.

    Website | Podcast | Favorite episode: 79. Would Hard Money Fail in a Recession? The Bitcoin Standard

I'm not sponsored by any of the people and companies I've list here. I just really enjoy their content. But if they want to send a few sats my way I don't mind lol.

For the podcasts on the list, I'll update the post with links to different platforms as I find them.

submitted by /u/mju_crypto
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