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How to access my old wallet with some hex values?

Etherum Reddit

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First of all, please don't send any private messages, I won't answer them!

I've spend some years ago (2016) some money into ETH.
I also tried to do some mining. I've deleted most files due to block chain file size on my disk.

However, I have an address which I can lookup on etherscan and it shows a balance.
I've also tried some times ago to access the wallet via this command ./geth --unlock 0x00001234... --password.txt but it did not work. I still have the geth binary, version 1.7.3-stable-4bb3c89d

The error is: Fatal: Failed to unlock account ... (no key for given address or file)

Now, I've tried to check the files again with lot of text notes. I have this: - a hex string, 40 chars long - a string password, 38 chars long (has a note: password) - another hex string, 64 chars long

I have another file, with the name private.key, it contains a hex with 64 chars.

I'm not sure if this data is just for one wallet or for more.

Do you have some ideas how I can try to access my wallet?

Thank you!

submitted by /u/tony_ton1
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