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How to upgrade Trezor and perform Taproot TXNs on it

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Here's a rather OCD complete path for upgrading and using BTC-Taproot on Trezor. I'll be upgrading a Trezor-1 with FW v1.9.2. I'll be loading the following on a Windows box:

  • TrezorCTL CLI v0.13.0 (github: master-branch commit 86b02c6)
  • Trezor-1 FW v1.10.4
  • Trezor Suite v21.12.2

0. TLDR;

  1. Install Latest FW and Latest Suite
  2. Enable Taproot account in Suite
  3. Send BTC from r/CashApp to your Taproot address

I. TrezorCTL CLI v0.13.0 (github: master commit 86b02c6)

Launch a shell and plug in your Trezor

  1. Clone git repo: git clone
  2. Move to python dir: cd trezor-firmware\python
  3. Make a virtual env: python -m venv ..\pyenv
  4. Activate environment: ..\pyenv\Scripts\activate.bat
  5. Upgrade PIP: python -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel setuptools
  6. Install TrezorCTL: python -m pip install -e .[full]
  7. Verify version: trezorctl version
  8. View Trezor-1 info: trezorctl get-features

You should see TrezorCTL report version 0.13.0 as well as the info on your Trezor device

II. Trezor-1 FW v1.10.4

I'll be doing a fingerprint verification on this, for no other reason but to demonstrate it. Since Windows lacks good DD or Tail utilities I'll be using the unix tools in the usr\bin directory of the official Windows GIT install. Assuming you are still in your python venv:

  1. Move to temp directory for downloads: pushd %TEMP%
  2. Download release doc: curl -O
  3. View first 15 lines for URL and fingerprint: head -n 15 releases.json
  4. Download firmware bin from URL specified: curl -O
  5. Get the fingerprint from firmware: tail -c +257 trezor-1.10.4.bin | sha256sum
  6. Verify that data from #5 matches data from #3
  7. Put your Trezor in bootloader mode
  8. Test the firmware load: trezorctl firmware update --filename trezor-1.10.4.bin --dry-run
  9. If it succeeds, flash it: trezorctl firmware update --filename trezor-1.10.4.bin
  10. Confirm on device then unplug / replug (maybe twice) when done
  11. Confirm device is on 1.10.4: trezorctl get-features | findstr version
  12. Verify Taproot feature: trezorctl btc get-address --coin Testnet --address "m/86'/1'/0'/0/0" --script-type tr

Note: This assumes the Trezor-1. The Trezor-T requires different offsets.

III. Trezor Suite v21.12.2

I did check that this all works at, but I'll go through the full suite download verification and install. This assumes you are still in the %TEMP% directory, or wherever you want to house scratch files:

  1. Download Trezor Suite: curl -O
  2. Download Trezor Suite Sig: curl -O
  3. Download Trezor Sig Keys: curl -O
  4. Import the keys to GPG: gpg --import satoshilabs-2021-signing-key.asc
  5. Trust the key: gpg --lsign-key "SatoshiLabs 2021 Signing Key"
  6. Verify Trezor Suite: gpg --verify Trezor-Suite-21.12.2-win-x64.exe.asc
  7. If sig check fails, don't install it, otherwise continue.
  8. Get the Authenticode signature thumbprint: powershell Get-AuthenticodeSignature Trezor-Suite-21.12.2-win-x64.exe
  9. Verify that SignerCertificate equals 52492703A3DA7068869B01ABEA0EBF2B6BE607EA
  10. Launch the installer: start Trezor-Suite-21.12.2-win-x64.exe
  11. Run installer, and launch Suite
  12. Under Dashboard select Enable more coins then enable Bitcoin Testnet
  13. Select Accounts on the top most navbar, then select + (plus sign) by My accounts
  14. Select Bitcoin Testnet then pick Taproot from the dropdown, then Add account
  15. Click Receive and verify the address offered matches the one in step II.12

Now you can send / receive Testnet coins to your Taproot account. Of course you can enable it for mainnet as well, but I, personally, always test new features on testnet first. The easiest way to get a TXN to your Testnet Taproot address is through a Taproot Testnet Faucet not my site. The simple way to get a TXN on your Mainnet Taproot address is through r/CashApp. Here's a TXN I did from r/CashApp to my Taproot Tipjar

& & ENJOY!& &

submitted by /u/brianddk
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