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Hypothetical scenario: I'd like to buy the world a coke, with crypto. Which should I use?

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by COINS NEWS 57 Views

So, a little background. There was this 1970s commercial. It was famous for the older crowd. If you have no idea, somebody put it on YouTube (of course):

This was impossible back in the 1970s. Is it still impossible today given the progress we've made in technology?

Here's the destination for the money, the world's population:

How can we give an account to everyone and put enough money in for 1 Coca-Cola as a one-time thing? How could we do it if we wanted to keep doing it as an ongoing operation?


  1. Yes, this is goofy, a bit insane, and very silly. Your point? It's a great thought experiment on crypto scaling and testing whether conventional finance would do it better or whether crypto has matured enough that this use case demonstrates a nice, benign utility.
  2. Yes, you're going to have to put some accounts in escrow because your government sanctions certain individuals and nobody wants to go to jail over this. The list will vary depending on what country you're in. Assume that nobody doing this wants to break the law and thus you should include a good faith effort to comply with legal requirements.
  3. If you hate Coca-Cola for whatever reason, don't tell me. Feel free to provide a different product or even a service without the need to seek permission. I don't care.
  4. Yes, Coca-Cola would have to cooperate with this. The less work they would need to do, the better for the purpose of the scenario. Making one account under Coca-Cola's control and have them manage the hard parts is cheating. Since they're ok with playing around with NFTs (as of 2021), they are not going to be too hard a sell if they need only accept money and give out soda.
submitted by /u/TMLutas
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