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I asked the top contributors in the latest moon distribution. What is their point of view regarding Farming?

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by COINS NEWS 186 Views

Note : The previous post got deleted, so here iam posting again and hoping it will never get deleted.

With all the controversy around moons and farmers and the amount of posts that are submitted daily regarding moon farming... i told my self why not hear the farmers opinions and their side of the story. So i went and asked the top contributors in the latest moon distribution couple of questions.

Note: some of the top 16 contributors refused to have any comment in this and i can understand that ( they dont want to be targeted or be under attention ) and some were a sleep so i couldn’t text them.

Note: i will quote what they said below.

1- u/tenma_hito: " Yeah sure I'll be transparent about it. I just wanted to see how hard it would be to reach top contributor. The previous month I just posted on the main sub exclusively and tried posting a bit here and there. (no comments in the daily)"

" For this distribution I just posted in the daily and occasionally on the main sub. It was significantly harder to gain traction on your comments. Quality comment or not. Felt like people actively downvote or choose not to interact with your posts in hope for a higher moon to karma ratio or for whatever reason."

Me : was it hard ?

" I wouldn't say it was hard but you'd have to spend quite some time in the daily to get some decent karma. I don't want to know how many comments I made"

"All in all I'd say this is the first and last time I'll be trying to hit the karma cap. The sub really has changed and it's getting quite toxic here."

"Just funny how people are against regulation and now they're actively trying to regulate how Moons are distributed for their one gain. Kinda ironic"

2- u/Too_raw90 : " I’d rather not have anymore attention drawn to me for being a top gainer. People just attack you and call you a spammer etc. "

" Maybe another time. But the moon pumps are making people crazy."

3- u/fitbhai : " It was kind of hard if you try to contribute with lengthy stuff, but easier with funny but catchy comments "

" I've been lurking for quite some months on this sub before I even farmed moons tbh. Last month and a month before that I tried to contribute with my Psychological and Trading Advice but only hit 5k and 9k respectively. So I decided to see what's the scenario if I enter the Karmawhore mode "

" Best part is the fun you have with all the members trust me. Whenever you make a funny joke or provide someone with Hopium, it kind of makes their day better. My own days have become immensely joyous after reading a few funny comments. And ofc I've transformed from a complete noob to someone who reads De-Fi articles regularly because it forced me to learn new things. Coinbase Learn and Earn ? Nahhh r/cc version is way better"

" if you need to know it- I'm actually planning to quit my job in the end to trade for my income. I have the skillset but don't have the capital to do so. With my current opportunities and job, it will take me years to get to a 10k or 25k account "

" I believe moons have Imminnent Moonshot potential and also believe in our community hence I think moons could be the best way (Best Opportunity with least cost) to attain this :) "

4- u/Soupapinho : " Well idk really if i want to say anything about it since we got witch hunted "

me : Was it hard to be in the top 16 contributors ?

" yes it is hard. Every month its harder "

me : What is the best part about farming moons ?

" The people. We have some amazing contributors here. With some of them i talk on private messages everyday "

" Stop sub wars. Be more kind to each other. Don't be greedy. This sub is for us. We ARE this sub. We should support each other instead of making stupid wars like "gifs enthusiasts vs gif haters" or "daily shitposters vs the rest" "

" And i hope some of moon gifs brought some smiles here :), I achieved the karma limit only because i spend A LOT of time here, and everyone can do it. So i don't understand the controversy. "

" No, making gifs isn't a effective way to farm moons. i spent many many hours on making gifs and some of them got like 3-4 upvotes? So no, me or /u/ Cintre don't do it for moon farming. We just want to bring some smiles and fresh things :) "

5- u/Ndivided132 :

me : Was it hard to be in the 16 contributors?

" Yes/no. it required a lot of time and energy to rank where I did this round and I’m very grateful for the community putting me there. "

" as in aspect of my mother always thought me “if you’re nice and open with everyone then good things will come your way”.: I enjoy helping users with any questions they have weather it be about moons, the vault, backing up to metamask, investing and etc etc "

me : Do you actually consider your self as farmer or you just love to contribute to this sub ?

" I’m not gonna lie to you. A little bit of both., I enjoy participating among the community, I truly do believe r/cryptocurrency is a wonderful subreddit where people can come together from across the world and discuss crypto currency’s and learn. I’ve personally learned so much from this subreddit "

" As for the farming part: I strive each round to better myself and rank higher then I did in the last round. I love moons, I genuinely believe the project is solid and can bring many users including myself financially freedom in the long run (that’s why I haven’t sold any yet). Plus I have way to much free time on my hands (even at work) and when I get home. I also enjoy conversing with all the members of the community as I don’t have many IRL friends, I consider all of you my friends in a way. "

me : What’s the best part about farming moons?

" As I stated uptop the community members are the best part of moons. It feels fantastic to be part of something bigger then myself, learn extremely helpful knowledge and to be paid for it as well. "

" If you wanna call me a farmer then so be it you have every right to do so and I will not hodl anything against you if wish to do so. I even call myself a farmer in a way… I’m willing to admit that for complete transparency and openness for you all. "

" I do genuinely love you all and enjoy spending the time I do have with every single one of you, I’m thankful for the opportunities Reddit/the users & moderators have provided for us all here to grow as a whole overall "

Moon farming and the future of this sub can be very controversial topic. But most importantly is that we have to hear the both side opinions. thanks for reading.

submitted by /u/Mayday_97
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