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I don't think most people understand the impact Vitaliks $1 billion has on India

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by COINS NEWS 214 Views

If you have been following India's Covid nightmare you would know that hundreds of thousands are struggling both mentally and physically.

Simply breathing is a difficulty for thousands of people, something we all take for granted. Thousands of deaths everyday in hospitals, on the streets and at home and the hopelessness of being able to get family members the help they need.

Vitalik donated not just millions but $1 billion. Literally thousands of lives will be saved because of this. Thousands less heartbreak and thousands less familys being ripped apart.

The Indian government has screwed the people and sometimes we need heroes like Vitalik to step up in the midst of chaos.

Thise who have been fortunate and benefited from crypto and have made 10x or 100x please consider giving back. Life ain't all about lambos and private jets, we are humans and every life is precious.

submitted by /u/Kaizenmz
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