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I made a List of Informative and Useful Posts on r/CryptoCurrency

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by COINS NEWS 212 Views

Understanding Crypto

  1. u/MagoCrypto [A wallet is not what you think it is](
  2. u/Layneeeee [For the newcomers: the top 50 Cryptocurrencies, each explained with one sentence.](
  3. u/Weaver96 [A Beginner's Guide to Cryptocurrency Wallets](
  4. u/Fantastic-Cucumber-1 [DeFi Explained: The FULL Guide](
  5. u/Set1Less [Media says "It doesn’t matter where the Bitcoin wallet is—the FBI still can get access". These are dishonest lies. Stop lying and fooling people, FBI & Media!](
  6. u/Adalwolf311 [“What’s the difference between a coin and a token?” - a quick primer for beginners!](
  7. u/Fantastic-Cucumber-1 [50 crypto terms you should know](
  8. u/Fantastic-Cucumber-1 [DeFi explained: Smart contracts](

Understanding the Market

  1. u/DriveLamboToTheMoon [People That Say "Imagine If DogeCoin Went to $10 or $100" Do You Guys Understand Market Cap and Circulating Supply? Dogecoin Price/Market Cap/Circulating Supply Analysis and Calculation](
  2. u/Suuperdad [I will tell you exactly what is going on here, this is critical information to understand if you are going to make money in this space. How prices work, and what moves them - and it's not money invested/withdrawn.](
  3. u/hazelvelvet [Not every new coin is a shitcoin: How to spot the real GEMS inside the sea of shitcoins.](
  4. u/lunargrover [Will DOGE be worth $100 a coin? Can it become as big as ETH? Could Stellar Lumens be worth $1000 a coin? Will Safemoon make me rich?? We all need to look at total supply vs market cap to manage our expectations and be more logical about what is possible.](
  5. u/gdj11 [Your coin isn’t pumping because it’s a great project. It’s pumping because we’re in a bull market and everything is pumping.](
  6. u/IfByLand [When every crash is a "dip" and every bounce is a "we have liftoff" -- that's how a frog gets boiled to death. 2017 Crumbs of Wisdom thread for Bull Runs.](
  7. u/Tilted_Till_Tuesday [Sell walls: What they are, what they do, and how to spot them.](
  8. u/TNGSystems [What happened in the last bear market, as best as I can remember it.](
  9. u/pseudoHappyHippy [A beginner's guide to limit orders, stop orders, and stop limit orders](


  1. u/jonbristow [You hear about the kid who put in $500 into a memecoin and made 100k, but you don't hear about the hundreds who put $1000 and are left with $0.1](
  2. u/jackvilles [Reminder: Robinhood blocked several stocks from being bought. They locked the buy button when it suited them. Don't buy Bitcoin on Robinhood. The dust has settled, but we remember.](
  3. u/Alternative-Pipe-558 [If someone is screaming "Hold The Line" they really mean "Prop up the price so I can get out too"](
  4. u/veryeducatedinvestor [This sub, and other crypto subs, are dangerous echo chambers where most bearish posts are downvoted into oblivion.](
  5. u/TJZenkai [Doge paved way to a lot of scam coins: Beware of SH*T coins like Safemoon, Elongate, safemars, safegalaxy, safe whatever.](
  6. u/ottawasummerstudent [Caution! This sub has some of the worst investing advice I've ever seen, and it's full of people who think they're Warren Buffet because they won a billion dollars in the lottery.](
  7. u/svensonic1 [Walton got busted fake winners on Twitter](
  8. u/martinshkreli [Dear newbies, are you looking for a promising coin under $1, or even under $0.1? Don't!](
  9. u/PM_Poutine [Here is a list of crypto ponzi schemes and people who are/were promoting them on YouTube](

Useful Tools & Links

  1. u/arsonbunny [I've created an Excel Crypto Portfolio Tracker that draws live prices and coin data from Here is how to create your own.](
  2. u/lovinglyhandmade [I created a tool to better understand market cap potential of alt coins, because I needed it myself for my research. Published it as a website for anyone to use. No ads, no BS.](
  3. u/SolorMining [Want to become a Crypto Developer? Here is a list of Free Educational Courses with Free Credentials - on Blockchain, Programming, Software Engineering and more.](
  4. u/PM_me_catpics [MIT has a free course uploaded on their website about the blockchain. It’s a great place for a beginner to understand the tech and interesting if you want to know more](
  5. u/Weaver96 [The ultimate guide to earning passive income with cryptocurrencies](
  6. u/Layneeeee [A collection of all the possible ways to earn free Crypto](
  7. u/Wargizmo [I made an infographic of the most popular cryptocurrencies by category](
  8. u/ominous_anenome [Introducing MoonGraph: An Interactive Visualization Tool for Moon Transactions Between Redditors!](

Sorted by the Upvotes

I am not agreeing 100% with everything that has been shared above. Read and use them with your own risk.

If you like them, you can visit and upvote them. Credits to the original posters.

We dont even have the "educational" flair anymore for some mysterious reason so i wanted to collect together and make a list of the informative posts i know here.

submitted by /u/stilllookingforone
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