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Is this really what a safe haven asset looks like?

Bitcoin Reddit

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So let me get this straight, at the first sign of bad inflation data, and a few unruly tweets from a celebrity billionaire, bitcoin loses like 40% of it's value?

How can we possibly continue calling bitcoin a safe haven asset?

Safe haven assets do not behave like this. They are stable. They are resilient when uncertainty runs higher. That's what makes them safe havens.

What we are experiencing here is what a highly leveraged speculative asset looks like.

The myth that crypto and BTC will save us when the financial system struggles is the biggest crock of shit I have ever heard.

We have all convinced ourselves to believe in a load of bogus to keep the gravy train rolling.

I am sure this will get down voted to oblivion, but the proof is in the pudding. I am speaking the truth: this is not a safe haven.


EDIT: I love the dozens of absolute dick heads who are insulting me, calling me: weak, pathetic, kiddo, stupid, pussy... saying things like I "don't understand anything about how the financial system works". People are telling me to just sell and stop crying.

Boy, I must have really hit a sore nerve.

Sorry my truthful post hurt your feelings and that you feel the need to lash out with verbal abuse to make yourself feel better.

But the joke is on you fuckers. I don't own a single penny of crypto. I am in stocks and I have a fair share of the shamed "fiat"... AKA MONEY.

BTW my portfolio is up a little over 1% 4% today.


EDIT 2: Some people asked me why I decided to post this.

I posted because it annoys the hell out of me that so many rookie traders are pissing their money into a giant ponzi scheme AND that tens of thousands of people are cheering them on to stick their heads in the sand and ignore their losses.

My friends and family members are all over the hype.

I keep hearing everyone tell me about all the economic and financial problems facing the US government and that's why they believe in bitcoin and other cryptos.

I don't deny the inflationary and debt problems ahead of us, but I strongly disagree a bunch of hyped up computer files are our solution.

When it comes time to pay the piper and IF we see the mother of all margin calls collapse the system, crypto will be at the spear head of the shit storm.

This movement is a cult, and wall street is going to rob you all blind.

submitted by /u/Troflecopter
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