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I've been HODLing since the 2017 crash

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If your worried about the market your either new, have invested too much, or maybe your an emotional investor. Crypto will always go through ups and downs as does every single other asset. The longer your in the market, the more patience you'll learn to buy in times like this and sell when times are good.

Don't panic sell your investment away. Remember the fiat money leaving Crypto hasnt disapeared, people are just swapping hands, smart people who are looking for a decent entry point are buying. The money always comes back into the market and the charts show always in greater numbers overtime. Take a breath, be in this for the long term. Use this time to educate yourself and make a plan of when you plan to sell or when you plan to buy more and base this off technical analysis and patterns in the market.

submitted by /u/FR330M
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