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Just heard an analogy I've never read before, and I think it really summarises why so many of us are so bullish on Bitcoin - Bitcoin isn't a bubble, it's the needle

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In the face of hyper-inflation and instability across so much of the globe - particularly in the developing world, it's obvious to anybody there's a veritable bubblebath forming. The entire modern FIAT system has become a bubble, the money presses are running faster than ever before, but they're out of line with inflation because so much of that wealth is being sucked up rather than loaned out, ballooning traditional asset prices, and soaking into the stock market.

There's a liquidity trap that's only driving the boot of bottom line wealth disparity harder and harder. This is sandwiched between increasing government scrutiny, control, and monitoring. People don't feel secure in the system, and there is less trust than ever in institutions. The thing is, once we left the gold standard, those institutions are now the foundation which is meant to back that dollar.

Reading the room, most of us don't want to exchange our BTC for FIAT, we no longer care about the dollar value of the asset, we are starting to care more about intrinsic value of the BTC itself. For most of us the catch call of HODL says it all - the long term goal isn't the swap to FIAT, it's the swap for tangible goods, particularly property, and FIAT only represents the lubricant for that exchange - a temporary one.

Like it or not the entire world's economy is disproportionately tethered to the US dollar, and even with the best intentions of the federal reserve, the US has one of the most botched political and economic systems of any developed country. Can we really expect decisions to be made which favour the global public, when so much of the US government is directly in the pocket of the stock market? Bitcoin is a globalised asset for a globalised economy, and it's exponential growth over the last decade is not the formation of a bubble, it's the point of a needle.

submitted by /u/chance_waters
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