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Leaked audio of Safemoon's CTO discussing setting up a rival scam token

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Audio has leaked of Safemoon's former CTO Hank Wyatt discussing releasing a rival scam token. Wyatt quit 2 days ago after the wallet fiasco, although this audio indicates that he has been planning to leave for months and was trying to extract $3m by holding the twitter, discord and website to ransom.

Notable quotes:

"Piggy will make you wealthy. The next project will make you all flithy rich"

"In the Contract, we'll be able to give up Contract owernship but maintain it, so we won't be able to rug the liquidity... but we'll be able to exempt exchanges so we can put it everywhere. And we already have an inside guy too. So we already have a guarantee we'll be on kucoin with the first two months..."

"And Thomas only works 15 hours a week"

"So we'll have every milestone video already done"

While this doesn't directly implicate Safemoon, any reasonable person can conclude the Safemoon was set up in exactly the same manner. Basically a scam token which siphons off liquidity by exempting certain wallets.

submitted by /u/jjcs83
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