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Looking for a Blockchain Alternative to keeping track of students Grading records and achievements for a Martial Arts School

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maybe a strange request, but I'm looking for a blockchain replacement for our martial arts school's old system of paper booklets.

Every grading to a new belt the student is supposed to bring the book in and the grading instructor signs it, to demonstrate they have achieved that level.

This is all well and good except that over time people lose books, they get destroyed, they forget to bring them in etc, especially in todays digital age.

There's probably a non-blockchain solution out there, but it would be nice to be able to sign off and also check onchain for students who have moved from other clubs/cities/etc,, what they've achieved, from which instructors, maybe even to which competitions they've medalled in etc.

It would need to be relatively non-native crypto friendly, maybe even a nice user facing wallet/UI, not even necessarily revealing that the back end is onchain.

Is there anything like this? Where would I start looking for projects that might be in the ballpark.

I've been in crypto since 2017, just dabbling in the edges, mostly in Eth and Art NFT space, so have a reasonable idea about how things work at a surface level.

I'd be interested to see if there isn't anything out there already that could possibly work.

I could possibly set up my own Manifold contracts and mint NFTs for each requirement, but it's the user facing part that I think I'm looking for. Something that ties it all together and makes it frictionless for someone who has no crypto knowledge to still use and find useful.


submitted by /u/infinite_rez
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