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Major vulnerability in Sushiswap RouterProcessor2 Contract. Please revoke allowances ASAP.

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by COINS NEWS 74 Views

The vulnerability in Sushiswapโ€™s RouterProcessor2 contract has already allowed an exploiter to steal $3.3m from 0xSifu with a function they aptly named yoink.

If you have interacted with Sushiswap recently you are likely vulnerable.

You can use or the relevant blockscan token approval tool to revoke allowances.

Arbitrum Nova where Moons are on is also vulnerable

This is a list of all compromised contracts across all blockchains that Sushiswap is deployed on.

arbitrum nova 0x1c5771e96C9d5524fb6e606f5B356d08C40Eb194

arbitrum 0xA7caC4207579A179c1069435d032ee0F9F150e5c

avax 0xbACEB8eC6b9355Dfc0269C18bac9d6E2Bdc29C4F

boba 0x2f686751b19a9d91cc3d57d90150bc767f050066

bsc 0xD75F5369724b513b497101fb15211160c1d96550

ethereum 0x044b75f554b886A065b9567891e45c79542d7357

fantom 0x3e603C14aF37EBdaD31709C4f848Fc6aD5BEc715

fuse 0x2f686751b19a9d91cc3d57d90150Bc767f050066

gnosis 0x145d82bCa93cCa2AE057D1c6f26245d1b9522E6F

moonbeam 0x1838b053E0223F05FB768fa79aA07Df3f0f27480

moonriver 0x3d2f8ae0344d38525d2ae96ab750b83480c0844f

optimism 0xF0cBce1942A68BEB3d1b73F0dd86C8DCc363eF49

polygon 0x5097CBB61D3C75907656DC4e3bbA892Ff136649a

polygon zkevm 0x93395129bd3fcf49d95730D3C2737c17990fF328

submitted by /u/alterise
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